Monday, June 7, 2010

Never Say Goodbye

I wrote my post title first today (I don't normally do that--with anything. College papers, OP's or anything else that needs a title. I always feel like it pigeonholes my writing). This blog, though, is different than most things I write, and as such, it deserves its own moment of "newness." This is the last blog of the year--and the last blog you will ever do as a junior (cause some of you may have me next year!!). While most of you are now doing that fist-pump thing in the air that you do when you're thrilled about something, I am sort of trying to post through a watery screen of unshed tears at this prospect.

This week, my pumpkins, I would like you to use your voice and leave your mark here, on this page. You walked into 204 10 months ago not knowing what to expect or what you should think. You will leave with--well, I guess that is the question of the hour. What will you leave with--what have you learned, what have you experienced? What was your favorite day, your favorite lesson, your finest moment that you can recall? Are you different now then you were then? Better? Worse? Indifferent? What did your junior year do for you? What are your hopes for your senior year? Is there anything you want to say to your friends? Yourself? You can say whatever you want--just, please don't end your post with saying "goodbye." Because, it's not really "Goodbye"--it's more like, "See you later."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lyrical Philosophies

Although you may think I personalized this blog post for Kristen D, I can assure you that is not the case.
We've been out of blog practice for a few weeks; time to ease back in with something that will get us thinking about ourselves in ways we don't usually. So, onward and upward.
Many of you use music as a gateway. To sanity, to serenity, to solace and/or to solitude. Music, to many of you, is an escape from the harsh realities of teenage life.
So, now it is also going to be a tool in which you come to a greater understanding of how you see the world, and how you see yourself.
Think about all the music you love to listen to. Specifically, think about the lyrics to songs you love. Now, I want you to pick one or two songs that adequately encapsulate how you feel about life, your life. Of course, like a quote, nothing can COMPLETELY "sum up" your entire life--I understand that. But many songs, either through explicit or implied messages in lyrics, can at least provide a concrete example of either what you want out of life, what you want out love and how you want to be perceived, taken, understood etc. These are the key concepts I am looking for.
So, your task this week is to tell us about a song, copy a few of the refrains/chorus/passages, and explicate their meaning(s) to you.
Try to pick ones that have some depth and that will provide a deeper understanding of your innate beliefs. (450-500 words/70pts)